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Успешна реализация на проекта демонстрирана по време на Заключителното събитие за разпространение на резултатите – 30 Август 2024 година – LAUNCHEE Конферентен център София
Заключителното събитие за разпространение на резултатите по проект успешно се проведе на 30 август 2024 г. в Launchee Конферетен Център в ЦУМ – гр. София. На събитието присъстваха 54 представители на целевите групи по проекта, включително младежи с по-малко възможности и техните обучители, които участваха в пилотната обучителна фаза, както и представители на Министерството на образованието и науката, Министерството на младежта и спорта, Българска консултантска организация, Международно бизнес училище, Национален младежки форум, Европейска младежка карта, Нов български университет, СУ “Евлоги и Христо Георгиеви”, Клетт България, SI Consult, 44 СОУ “Неофит Бозвели” София, Български туристически съюз, MoMentor България , Фондация „Пътят на траките“, както и представители на академичните среди, политици, социални работници и експерти по финансова грамотност.
Събитието беше официално открито от директора на 94 СУ „Димитър Страшимиров” гр. София – г-жа Латинка Ковачева, която е и координатор на проекта. Тя приветства участниците и направи кратък преглед на реализацията на проекта.
След нея г-н Андреан Лазаров от “Български екип за приобщаваща подкрепа” (партньор по проекта и съорганизатор на събитието) представи концепцията на проекта, неговите цели, постигнатите резултати, както и обратната връзка, събрана от пилотната фаза от младежи с по-малко възможности и техните обучители. Той представи всеки от интелектуалните резултати на проекта.
Събитието продължи с презентация от страна на обучителите, участвали в пилотната фаза, представена от г-жа Невена Апостолова от 94 СУ „Димитър Страшимиров“. Тя представи организираните обучения, както и основните постижения от пилотната реализация.
Важна част от събитието беше представянето на реализираните и новофинансираните проекти на 94 СУ „Димитър Страшимиров” гр. София, извършено от водещия експерт г-жа Пенка Николова. Тя представи подробно постиженията на всеки проект, както и акредитацията на училището по програма “Еразъм+” и новите спечелени про проекти от поканата за набиране на предложения за 2024 г.
Следващата презентация беше посветена на инициативата „Имаме нужда от младежи“ (“We need YOUth”) на Националния младежки форум – най-голямата организация на младежки неправителствени организации в България, представена от д-р Лилия Еленкова, която е и съветник в ресор “Младежки политики” в Министерството на младежта и спорта в България. Тя също така сподели желанието на Форума да разпространи резултатите от проекта до всички младежи в техните организации членове, с което да увеличи разпространение и употребата на резултатите от проекта.
Събитието завърши с дискусионна сесия с организации, които биха искали да използват резултатите от проекта и допълнително да ги използват. В тази сесия проф. д-р Преслав Димитров от Международно бизнес училище София и г-жа Миглена Никифорова от Българска консултантска организация взеха думата, за да изразят своите отзиви за проекта и резултатите от него.
В края на събитието всеки участник получи сертификат за участие, последван от обяд на блок маса, по време на който участници продължиха да обменят неформално идеи за бъдещо сътрудничество.
Презентации от събитието:
- FINLIT YOUTH_Концепция_резултати_пилотна фаза и реализация – г-н Андреан Лазаров, “Български екип за приобщаваща подкрепа”
- FINLIT YOUTH Пилотна фаза в 94 СУ “Димитър Страшимиров” София – г-жа Невена Апостолова, 94 СУ “Димитър Страшимиров” гр. София
- FINLIT YOUTH_Новости в проектната дейност на 94 СУ “Димитър Страшимиров” гр. София – г-жа Пенка Николова, 94 СУ “Димитър Страшимиров” гр. София
- Презентация на инициативата “We Need YOUth” – д-р Лилия Еленкова, Национален Младежки Форум
Successful realisation of the project presented during the Final multiplier event in Sofia – 30 August 2024
The final project multiplier event was held on 30 August 2024 at Launchee Conference TZUM centre in Sofia. The event was attended by 54 representatives of the project target groups including youth with fewer opportunities and their trainers, who both participated in the pilot implementation phase, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Bulgarian Consultation Organisation, International Business School, National Youth Forum, European Youth Card, New Bulgarian University, High school “Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi”, Klett Bulgaria, SI Consult, 44 High School “Neofit Bozveli” Sofia, Bulgarian Tourism Union, MoMentor Bulgaria, Foundation “The Tracian way”, as well as academicians, policy makers, social workers and financial literacy experts.
The event was officially opened by the Principal of 94 High School “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia – Mrs. Latinka Kovacheva, who is also the project coordinator. She welcomed the participants and made a brief overview of the project realisation.
After her, Mr. Andrean Lazarov from Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team (partner of the project and co-organiser of the event) presented the project concept, its aims, achieved results, as well as the feedback gathered from the pilot implementation phase by youth with fewer opportunities and their trainers. He presented each of the main project intellectual results.
The event continued with presentation on behalf the trainers, who participated in the pilot implementation phase made by Mrs. Nevena Apostolova from 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov”. She presented the organised trainings as well as the main achievements from the pilot realisation.
Important part of the event was the presentation of the realised and recent projects of the 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia made by the leading expert Mrs. Penka Nikolova. She presented in detail the achievements of each project as well as the accreditation of the school under Erasmus+ programme and the new granted projects from the 2024 call for proposals.
The next presenation was dedicated to the ” We need YOUth” initiative of the National Youth Forum – the biggest umbrella organisation of youth NGO’s in Bulgaria made by Mrs. Liliya Elenkova, PhD, who is also chief adviser at the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Bulgaria. She also declared the desire of the Forum to disseminate and further exploit the project results.
The event was concluded by a discussion session with organisations, who would like to exploit the project results and further to multiply them. In that session Prof. PhD Preslav Dimitrov from International Business School Sofia and Mrs. Miglena Nikiforova from Bulgarian Consultation Organisation took the floor to express their feedback on the project and its outcomes.
At the end of the event, each participant received certificate for participation, followed by a lunch buffet.
Presentations from the event (in Bulgarian language):
- FINLIT YOUTH_Project concept_results_piloting phase_realisation – Mr. Andrean Lazarov_Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team
- FINLIT YOUTH Pilot phase at 94 SU Dimitar Strashimirov Sofia – Mrs. Nevena Apostolova_94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia
- FINLIT YOUTH_Presentation of the recent and future projects of 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia – Mrs. Penka Nikolova_94SU Dimitar Strashimirov Sofia
- Presentation of “We Need YOUth” initiative – Mrs. Liliya Elenkova, PhD, National Youth Forum
Регистрация за заключително събитие за разпространение на резултатите – 30 август 2024г. в гр. София
Уважаеми Госпожи и Господа,
Екипът на проект “Онлайн обучение по финансова грамотност за младежи в неравностойно положение” (FINLIT YOUTH) КД220, сектор: Младеж на програма „Еразъм+“ на Европейската Комисия има удоволствието да Ви покани да вземете участие във заключителното събитие за разпространение на резултатите на проекта.
Събитието ще се състои на 30.08.2024г. (петък) в Централен Универсален Магазин (ЦУМ) – София, бул. „Княгиня Мария Луиза“ 2 – партер, Конферетен център „Launchee”, зала „Кеплер“
регистрация: от 10:00 ч, начало: от 10:20ч.
В рамките на събитието ще Ви бъдат представени:
- Резултат 1: Наръчник и образователни видеоклипове за младежи в неравностойно положение по отношение на финансовата грамотност
- Резултат 2: Ръководоство за младежки работници и младежки обучители относно организиране на обучение и прилагане на учебната програма за финансова грамотност за лица в неравностойно положение
- Резултат 3: Електронна обучителна платформа
- Резултат 4: Работни листове за валидиране на финансова грамотност
Събитието се организира от 94 СУ „Димитър Страшимиров“ гр. София (координатор на проекта) в партньорство с „Български екип за приобщаваща подкрепа“ гр. София.
В края на събитието е планирана дискусия и обсъждане на възможности за по-широко използване на проектните резултати.
Събитието няма такса участие и всички участници ще получат присъствен сертификат.
Дневен ред на събитието и информация как да стигнете до залата може да намерите ТУК.
Линк за регистрация до 29.08.2024г. (12:00ч.): (до изчерпване на капацитета на залата)
Successful finalisation of the project evidenced during the Final transnational partners’ meeting in Istanbul, Turkiye
The final transnational partners’ meeting was held on 23rd July 2024 in Istanbul, Turkiye. It was hosted by the Atlas Co Academy – Istanbul, Turkiye. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Nevena Apostolova from the Management team of the Coordinating institution – 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” – Sofia, Bulgaria. She introduced the project status and commented on the last steps of the project.
Each partner presented the results from the pilot implementation phase, which overall was successfully completed with double number of piloters comparing to the initially planned.
The partners also discussed the finalisation of the national piloting reports as well as the dissemination, exploitation and quality assurance activities until the project end.
The meeting was successfully concluded with the update on the project action plan and with the distribution of certificates for attendance.
Radio interview of AMPAT team about the project implementation phase and possible future exploitation
Successful realisation of piloting phase in Turkiye
The regional educational directorate HAVZA İLÇE MİLLİ EĞİTİM MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ in Samsun, Turkiye together with experts from AtlasCo Academy, Istanbul, Turkiye successfully realise the pilot implementation phase in Turkiye. The piloting started with the involvement of the experts from the educational directorate and representatives of local youth centers – Havza Youth Center, Havza Municipality Cultural Center for Finlit Youth, Havza Guidance Research Center.
Youth aged 16 to 29 have been recruited and successfully enrolled to the piloting phase. They are mainly representing refugee and immigrant communities as well as disadvantaged woman from poor families.
Follow up our website for more information from the case studies and testimonials, which will be produced at the end of the piloting phase at the end of July 2024.
Progressing on the pilot implementation phase in Spain
Disadvantaged youth are participating actively in the pilot implementation phase of the project organised in Madrid, Spain by the local partner ASOCIACIÓN MADRILEÑA DE PROFESIONALES DE LA ATENCIÓN TEMPRANA, Madrid, Spain. They are very enthusiastic on learning financial literacy practical solutions including the practical worksheets in Excel, which helps them to make their own monthly budget, their savings plan, to plan their holiday and parties.
Disadvantaged youth are exploring the practical worksheets in Bulgaria
Disadvantaged youth in Bulgaria are exploring during the pilot implementation phase the supportive worksheets in Excel, developed under Result 4 of the project. These worksheets are especially developed in order to support the skills and knowledge acquisition of the participating youth.
Piloting phase is progressing well in Bulgaria
Disadvantaged youth are actively engaged with the e-learning platform, where they are studying different units for financial literacy training. In the next month they will finalise the training and we will publish their testimonials.
Follow up our website and Facebook account for more information!
The project promoted during the 33rd EURASHE Conference “Stronger Together” – 22-23 May 2024, St. Polten, Austria
On 22 and 23 May 2024, in Sankt Pölten, Austria, the 33rd Annual conference by EURASHE on the theme: “Stronger together: Promoting transnational cooperation” took place. The project team was among the key panelists together with Mrs. Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot – the General Director for Youth, Education and Erasmus+ at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture as well as representatives of Šiauliai State UAS, Thomas More UAS, Burgenland UAS, under the moderation of Mr. Michal Karpišek – member of the European Alliance E³UDRES².
Considerable progress evidenced during the Third transnational partners’ meeting held in Madrid, Spain
On 22nd and 23rd of April 2024, the partners met physically for the third time during the third transnational partners meeting in Madrid, Spain. The meeting was hosted by AMPAT, the Madrid Association of Inclusive Education Professionals.
The meeting was chaired by the project coordinator – the Principal of the 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia – Mrs. Latinka Kovacheva. She made an overview of the project progress as well discussed the outcomes from the interim report.
The partners discussed the final versions of the project deliverables as well as the ongoing realisation of the piloting phase in Bulgaria, Spain and Turkiye.
The partners discussed all aspects of the project including overview of the status of each work package and activities.
The meeting end up with the action plan for the finalisation of the project as well as with the distribution of declaration for attendance by Prof. PhD Pilar Gutiez Cuevas from AMPAT.
Ongoing piloting phase with youth with fewer opportunities in Bulgaria
The piloting phase already started in Bulgaria with 20 youth with fewer opportunities aged between 16 and 29 years at 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia, Bulgaria.
They are very motivated to learn more about financial literacy and especially how they can manage better their income, how to make family budget and what are the pros and cons related to credits and loans.
All of them registered to the e-learning platform, where they have been instructed how to navigate with the training modules. Their trainers already conducted the pre-assessment of the financial literacy knowledge and all identified gaps will be covered in the training, which will last until end of July 2024.
Chairing the panel on inclusion of disadvantaged youth in regional agriculture, International Fair AGRA 2024, 22 February 2024, Plovdiv
Thanks to the invitation of the University of Agribusiness and Regional Development – Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team and its CEO Mr. Andrean Lazarov was invited as moderator of the event tailored to inclusion of disadvantaged youth in regional agriculture. It was held as part of International Fair AGRA 2024 on 22 February 2024, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
During the event, the involvement of marginalised youth in urban agriculture activities was discussed. The minister of agriculutre and regional development pointed out that special financial grants are available for start ups in for these disadvantaged people. Youth workers were informed about the project and possible exploitation was negotiated.
Presentation of the project results during the national seminar “From Generation Z to Generation Europass, 1 December 2023, Sandanski
The national seminar was organised by the National agency of Erasmus+ in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian National VET team, where 2 representatives of the project team are national consultants (Mrs. Penka Nikolova from 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia and Mr. Andrean Lazarov from Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team – Sofia). The event was focused on youth and their trainers from vocational high schools in the region within the framework of the “European Year of Skills – 2023”.
In the framework of the workshop, they consulted youth and their trainers about common mistakes and advice in career development and preparation for the labor market, as well as provided guidelines for overcoming them with a view to easier access to the labor market in Bulgaria.
The role of the financial literacy training discussed during INVEST WINTER SCHOOL 2023 – “AN INTRODUCTION TO NATURE-INCLUSIVE AGRICULTURE”
Thanks to the kind invitation of the UARD – Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team was invited as keynote speaker at the INVEST WINTER SCHOOL 2023 – “AN INTRODUCTION TO NATURE-INCLUSIVE AGRICULTURE”, which was held in the period 08-15 October 2023 in Heerenveen and Leeuwarden in The Netherlands. The financial literacy was discussed as a matter of high importance toward the topic was “The inclusive urban agriculture as an approach towards social entrepreneurship”. Students (including those with disabilities) from Slovakia, Bulgaria, Greece and Finland took part in the school. Major point of interest for them was the existing policies and good practices into financial literacy and social entrepreneurship in Bulgaria. The initial version of the project training material was presented, where the opportunities for social entrepreneurship are dully explained.
Presentation of the project to youth trainers at University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
On 05 September 2023, a meeting with youth trainers was organised at the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”. Mrs. Nevena Apostolova from the team of 94 SU “Dimitar Strashimirov” Sofia presented the project concept and the draft version of the project deliverables meant to contribute to further financial literacy trainings of youth with fewer opportunities. During the session was gathered feedback and suggestions for modifications, which will be reported to the project consortium and will be taken into account.
Considerable project progress reached during the international partners meeting in Samsun, Turkiye
The team of HAVZA İLÇE MİLLİ EĞİTİM MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ together with the other Turkish partners ATLAS Academy welcomed the partnership during the 2nd international partners meeting held in the lovely Samsun, Turkiye. The meeting was opened by the Sayit Ahmet Dikmen – as coordinator of EU projects on behalf of the regional educational directorate.
Then the project coordinator Mrs. Latinka Kovacheva from 94 SU Dimitar Strashimirov Sofia and the President of AMPAT Prof. PhD Pilar Gutiez Cuevas presented the status of the project activities.
Intensive discussion was held in terms of the finalisation of the content of the modular content for delivery of financial literacy training for youth with fewer opportunities aged 16-29.
The project coordinator gave an appreciation plaquette to the partners for their successful work so far and encouraged them to keep the same power in the future.
Special session during the meeting was dedicated to the financial clinics with regards to the first progress report.
Participation and dissemination at EURASHE Annual conference – 8-9 June 2023, Bucharest, Romania
The CEO of the Bulgarian Inclusion Support Team – Mr. Andrean Lazarov was invited to participate together in a Breakout session about the INVEST Fellow programme during the 32nd Annual EURASHE conference. The event took place on 8-9 June 2023 and was hosted by the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB). During the event series discussions were held about the inclusive Higher education together with the new EURASHE President, Mr. Hannes Raffaseder, CEO of the St. Pölten University of Applied Science and the Rector of UPB Prof. Mihnea Costoiu. Both of them expressed interest towards the project and it was agreed to invite them for one of the project multiplier events.
Successful kick off meeting was held in Sofia on 23 May 2023
The first physical meeting of the project was held on 23 May 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria. It was organised after series of online meetings, which were organised since the project start on 01 March 2023. The purpose of the meeting was to conclude on the curriculum for the development of handbook and educative videos for youth with fewer opportunities.
Each of the partners presented their contribution to the handbook and the partners concluded on the final version. The curriculum is based on the European framework for financial literacy training as adopted by the Bulgarian and Spanish governments. The next step will be the development of the units. The partners discussed also the initial content of the storyboards of the planned educative videos.
The meeting continued with discussion on internal quality assurance and dissemination activities. The partners prepared a future calendar with planned presentations including Inclusive education congresses in Mexico, Paraguay, Brasil as well as in Brussels, Belgium and Bucharest, Romania.